Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"I Search" Part III- The Search

Today, we begin the search for information. Some of the topics we will cover today & tomorrow will be:

*Helpful Hints for Searching Online
In Google, add "Newsweek, Time, or New York Times" at the end of your topic
*Is Wikipedia a Reputable Source?
*How can you tell if a website is fraudulent?
*What are some sources recommended by Mrs. Roy?
(InfoTrac, Gale, Opposing Viewpoints, Science Resource Center)


You will need to have at least five different sources including the interview. You can use magazines, newspapers, reputable websites, books, encyclopedias, and/or film.

You have the entire class to begin to search for information. Please copy and paste the link for each reputable site into a Word document. Skim the article and write a comment summarizing its usefullness (see below) You may ask permission to print some of the more useful articles.

See below for a suggested format:

This magazine article, "Creating a Cord-Blood Lifeline" was published in the 2/26/08 edition of Time. It discusses several states that are trying to set up public cord blood banks where people would sign up as they would for organ donation. It talks about the advantages of cord blood over bone marrow transplants. The average cost of private banking is discussed. It mentions several medical organizations that encourage public donating over private banking. It is a good overview of the topic & easy to understand.

This newspaper article, "Private Banking as Insurance," was published 4/7/08. It highlights the statements given from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggesting the odds of using privately banked blood to treat a child or family member as being very low. One doctor mentioned in the article suggested that parents be able to donate the blood to a public bank, but have it on reserve for their exclusive use for one year. This is a short article, but it would be good to use for quotes from doctors and professional organizations.

This is a website ("Parents Guide to Cord Blood Banks") created by a mother, Dr. Frances Verter, in memory of her daughter Shai. It has also been referenced in other articles that I have come across. This site contains a table that compares the costs of all the cord blood banks. There is also a list of 52 children who have been helped by their own cord blood. Verter states, "I believe the long-term future of this industry will be for cord blood banks to compete and consolidate until only a single business model survives. The surviving type of bank will be for-profit and will be a full-service banking portal which offers parents both options of public donation and/or private storage. The surviving banks will all sell some portion of their donations to research programs. Economists call this business model a "hybrid" bank." The site seems to be extremely comprehensive. It will help me to answer many of my questions.

A typed and printed document is due tomorrow that lists at least four of the sources you intend to use and a brief synopsis of each. I will also check this weekend to make sure you have posted your Blog Entries 1 & 2. If it is not there by Sunday evening, you will not get credit.


  1. I found that most of the sites containing info on publishing were advertising for authors to publish with them or with their help. One sight I found gave a good deal of help on the subject of common FAQ's on publishing books. This site was
    The site contained common errors people have and advice on how to choose editors and approach them.
    Other than this one site nothing has really come up on common searches that proved to be helpful.
    jim 3

  2. is a good website showing info on reasons to get an agent and some of the ways that agents work it also gives advice in selecting an agent


    When I was reading this site, it was telling me that re-using plastic bottles isn’t such a good idea. Leaving bottles in the car and drinking them isn’t good either. After a bottle has been heated you shouldn’t use it. The plastic used in bottles is called polyethylene terephthalate or PET. The bottles contain an element that is only safe for using a bottle once.

    This article discusses how baby bottles give off a chemical BPA that can cause ADHD, autism, increased child obesity, decreased sperm count, more breast and prostate cancers. BPA doesn’t effect you unless you have high doses of this. The plastic industry is trying to say there Is nothing to worry about and that there isn’t enough BPA to get the harmful risks.

    BPA is also in other things then just plastic bottles like canned soups, beans and soft drinks, organic or not, you also may be swallowing residues of a controversial chemical called BPA. It really depends on who you talk to because some people say that it is harmful and others say that is completely fine.

    This site says that BPA can lead to infertility or miscarriage. It also says that Wal-Mart is going to have to remove water bottles and baby bottles that carry BPA in them. People think that BPA should be removed from everything but also don’t think that it’s a big deal.
    AB* PERIOD 3

  4. 1.
    This article Contains the plants that Richard Evans Schultes found in Colombia. The article is from the Whole Foods Market Journal. It was published in 2001. The article talks about the governmental issues that schultes had. It discusses the countries that he visited. Also what the plants could do.
    This website gives me all the work that timothy leary did. He conducted experiments that included giving lsd to his students. The websites says who he conducted the experiment with and who was a part of it.
    This link is to a summary from a book. The book describes Schultes adventures through the Amazon. The book depicts the findings of Schults. The book includes pictures and interviews with the naïve people od the tribe.
    This site
    Has pictues of schultes and his descoveries. The website explains in detail what schultes experienced when he was given the magic plants. The website has the curing properties of the plants .

    Beatrix period 3

    This site talks about cell phones and cancer. Some are concerned about cell phones causing cancer because they emit radiofrequency energy, a form of radiation, which is under investigation for its effects on the human body. Since cell phones are relatively new, there are not really any studies of how radio frequency can affect the body over a long period of time. Since the number of cell phone users is increasing rapidly, if radio frequency really does cause cancer, many people could be in quite a bit of danger.
    Everyday objects that may cause cancer: deodorant leads to breast cancer, the chemicals in Teflon when taken in in mass quantities may cause cancer, cell phones and microwaves will not cause cancer; just some of the ideas in this article about what every day objects do and do not cause cancer.
    this website lists the possible, should be, questionable, and actual causes of cancer. The list ranges from cosmetics to hair dyes, and includes certain foods cooked at high temperatures and caffeine and alcohol.
    this site tells what exactly cancer is, and gives more of a medical background on cancer. It says that cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues., and that there are different categories that different cancers can be grouped into. It has info on genetics and cancer, treatments, preventions, and other statistics about cancer.

    lauren, p1


    This site tells about the greenhouse effect and how the earth is heating up. It also gave me many facts, figures, and graphs about the effects of global warming. Also, it describes many of the causes of global warming and it also tells how we can decrase it.

    This website tells about how many resources and things won't be available for people if global warming is not decreased. It basically tells the top 100 effects of global warming and how many of the everyday things we are used to won't be there anymore. Even the simplest things such as vacations to go skiing won't be possible eventually.

    This article discusses the expected climate changes to affect the health of many people. It is already affecting the health of many. It says many viruses are already being spread that have been caused from the constant climate change. It also tells about studies that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are doing to help the environment and possibly decrease global warming.,9171,1177002,00.html

    This article basically tells about how global warming is affecting our health. It tells how rise in infectious disease is being noticed as being cuased my global warming. It also descirbes how increased deaths per year are also caused by global warming.

    These websites seem very reliable and not fraudelant since most of them are news articls or newspaper articles.

    Krista per. 1

  7. 1)
    This site gives a general overview of designer babies. It is relatively unbiased; it does not give the pros or cons to this process, but instead explains exactly what the process is scientifically, without taking sides. According to this article, “designer babies” is a term used by the media for an embryo that has undergone the process of “Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis.” (PGD) Under U.S. law, there are only two instances when PGD is legal: when selecting the gender of an embryo, and when screening for genetic disease in a genetic disease-prone couple. During PGD, several eggs are fertilized through in vitro fertilization. After a few days of growth, a cell from each embryo is screened, and any specimens that contain genetic disease are discarded and one or more healthy embryos are implanted in the uterus of the mother to grow normally.

    This website talks about the moral issues and debate about the process of PGD. It provides some basic background information on PGD, but really it concentrates on the ethical debate on the subject. Currently, only the selection of a zygote’s gender is legal when sex-linked disorders and diseases are a concern. Some people feel that PGD selection of gender should stay this way; limited to the prevention of disease and the health of the baby. However, it is of concern that gender selection should become completely legal. Under this plan, a baby’s gender can be selected for “social reasons” in addition to disease prevention. The main oppositions to this are that it is immoral and that gender selection could lead to the selection of other traits and a world where humans are no longer produced through natural means, but ordered in catalogs per the specifications of the parents. The main argument in favor of gender selection is that people should have full rights over how they reproduce.

    This article concentrates on the use of PGD in the United Kingdom. In the UK, PGD is legal for the use of genetic disease prevention. The British feel that PGD is good for this purpose, but cannot be overused; strict limitations are in place to regulate when PGD can be used. Scientists in Britain fear that lax regulation of PGD could lead to the selection of all the traits of an embryo, which would in turn lead to a world where babies are all bred to have desirable genes. The British are for PGD, but only when closely regulating each specific case when PGD can be used.

    This article pretty much takes the same stance as the BBC article and most other internet articles say: scientists are for the medical advancements that are put forth by PGD in the fields of disease prevention, but they oppose the overuse of it. Most every scientist feels that using PGD to design a baby to have specific traits is immoral and will create a society that is disadvantageous to non-genetically enhanced people. They think that PGD should be limited to disease prevention in embryos and that trait selection should continue to be outlawed.

    Gio Period 3

  8. Jim Warner
    Period 1

    "Type 1 diabetes complications"

    This article explains all the problems that people have with their diabetes and also to complications that doctors have today with trying to find ways to help them out. It shows everything from heart disease to foot complications that come with type 1 diabetes, not only physical conditions but mental conditions as well that come along with it. This website is very good for an overall view of diabetes.
    The link to the article above is a basic overview of diabetes. It is basically telling you in type 1 and 2 what your insulin deficiency is. This article also tells you what percentage of our population has diabetes. The article also states how diabetes reacts when it does not have the right amount of insulin such as dehydration and a diabetic coma.

    This link to the article above tells you about how you can plan your diet around diabetes. It tells you what your sugar level should be before eating a meal and after eating a meal, depending on how severe your diabetes is. This has the specific hours before and after eating and what level you should be at. I think this site is good because it will make an important impact on my paper letting my classmates know about eating habits and how they change once you have diabetes, how your whole diet might have to be changed.

    In the article above diabetes is very well explained. They cover almost everything about it. They tell why it happens. Also how it happens. They also tell how to prevent type 2 with proper dieting and weight loss. I think this article will benefit because it has a very trusted link. It holds some very beneficial information like how the body cannot turn sugars into energy. I think when I am writing my paper it will be very helpful knowing that their pancreases are not able to create insulin.


    Part III: The Search

    This website has information on glaucoma by Dr. Gary Heiting and Marylin Harddril.
    It gives basic facts and main information a patient should know about the disorder. With this source I will be able to find different types of glaucoma. Also, they include they typed of testing they have that can be done on patients, along with instruments they use for the testing. I will also be able to understand the concept more with the given pictures.

    This is a website including and article “Glaucoma Worldwide: A Growing Concern” published by Robert N.Weinreb, MD. It discusses the increase of people all over the population receiving glaucoma. Also, he is trying to show how it greatly impacts people’s daily lives. Robert is trying to get people’s attention to see the importance and get on a case for treatment. More then 30 million people over the world walk around with glaucoma, and just in the United States, there are about 4 million people with glaucoma without even knowing it. It is found that more ethnic locations are at high risk. Treatments for glaucoma are still on the lookout. The reason for this is because glaucoma is not a serious disorder at first. Meaning it is painless, and most of the time there are no symptoms. The most affects occurs to the elderly that should be more concerned.
    This is an article “High Pressure and Glaucoma” by James C. Tsai, MD. It explains in great detail on what Glaucoma is. Also, he discusses the relationship between high eye pressures being a causing factor for glaucoma. James mentions how high eye pressure does not cause glaucoma but it can be a high risk factor. If a person has a sign of elevated IOP, eye care professionals consider that as a suspect for glaucoma. With glaucoma, eye vision is affected first. Patients may not be aware because the loss of vision changes gradually and most likely is not noticed till a lot of the vision is lost.


    This is a glaucoma news alert from different publish locations. It shows a great amount of helpful information. It give an explanation on how a gene develops glaucoma; According to Alcon research, the glaucoma may be link to “over-expression.” The cost for glaucoma medication varies on the type of medication prescribed.

    Brittany P1

  10. 1. This article has information about what it is, and statistics about much money it reels in annually. It also states how many jobs were lost due to this program.
    2. This website explains what NAFTA is and how it is viewed from a general liberal and conservative perspective.
    3. In this site, information is stated from NAFTA opponents and promoters. It then explains what it was intended to do when it was first proposed.
    4. The information in this website contains the effects of NAFTA and which ones are a myth and which are a reality.

    Ryan Viglione
    Period 1

  11. Part 3- The Search


    This is a website (Kids Health for Parents, Down Syndrome) created by Barbara P. In this article it talks about how many children can get the disorder. Also discussed is what can be treated with a child that has Down syndrome. In this article they explain how a child is born with Down syndrome. There are ways to help children with this medical problem talked about in this website. They talk about other health problems children may have with this disease.


    This is a website (NICHHD, Down Syndrome) created by Eunice Kennedy Shriver. In this article they talk about the symptoms of Down syndrome. They talk about what happens to people that cause Down syndrome and what the disease is. Also discussed in this website are the treatments of Down syndrome and people that are at risk of it.


    This is a website (Down Syndrome) created by the APNDCCD. This website is about what the disease actually is and how a child may be born with it. It tells how many children are born with this disease. It also talks about the characteristics a person may have with Down syndrome. There are always ways to get a start on a child’s education early.


    This is a website (Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome) created by WebMD. In the reading I learned what Down syndrome is. I also read the signs and symptoms of getting this disease. In the article they discuss who is at risk for having a child with Down syndrome. There are always ways to get support for and education for a child with this disease. They talk about other health issues that a child may have when they have Down syndrome.

    Heather, period 1

  12. 1.)

    Personal Informational Website, 01/31/2008. This website was made from someone who has the disease, and wanted to tell other people information about it in such a way that it was easy to read. It was an alright website. I found it really hard to navigate or where to find specific information. I was able to find a gist of what I wanted to research, though, so I suppose it helped a bit.


    Newspaper Article. NY Times, 8/6/2007. I really liked this website. It was easy to use, and I could easily see an over-view of each sub-topic and click on it for more information. This website listed basically everything I needed to know about Multiple Sclerosis, and linked to many articles about it. I would have to say that this was my favorite website to use about finding out more information about MS.

    3.) Gale Website. Link not working correctly when I C+P it, but I have it.

    This was an alright website. It didn't give as much information about MS as the first two sources. It gave the main information about MS such as genetic factors, environmental factors, symptoms, etc. in an easy to read form.


    Article Review, 11/19/2007. This was another website which I really enjoyed using. It gave me all the information (and more!) to what I needed to know about MS. It was an really easy to read website, and I could navigate easily around it. It even linked me to more useful websites about MS.


    E. Medicine – 03/03/2008. This website listed everything I needed to know in an easy to read way. It listed symptoms, treatments, background information, and much more. The only problem is that some of the information is really scientifically written, and is a bit hard to comprehend at first.

    Nicole P.1


    Cancer Free at 33, but Weighing a Mastectomy; By AMY HARMON
    Published: September 16, 2007
    The website tells about breast cancer and its gene and affects on family members. Many relative who know that they have the gene of get breast cancer has the problem of deciding whether to take action now, or wait. Many want to get a Mastectomy before developing the cancer so there is less of a chance of complications and death. Many people cannot relate to this knowing, as they do not know the problems of facing this decision. These people call themselves previvors.

    Women's Health Weekly (July 29, 2004): p.40. (333 words) From General OneFile; Magazine/Journal Communication patterns in families with breast/ovarian cancer history described.
    It talks about communication problems between families that pass on the breast/ovarian cancer gene. It is interesting that people who have diseases in their family have problems talking to each other. This is like the other article up there that also talks about the different problems people have.

    Inheritance Of CANCER genes. This website is all about the information on cancer. “Some people are born with a fault in one of their genes. This does not mean that they will ever actually develop cancer, but it does mean that fewer other things need to go wrong with the rest of their DNA for disease to develop. Doctors say that these people are statistically more likely to get cancer, and that they have a genetic predisposition to the disease.”
    Genetics, Epidemiology, and Cancer Disparities: Is it Black and White?
    Timothy R. Rebbeck, Chanita Hughes Halbert, Pamela Sankar
    They use the studies of epidemiology to find out more about cancer. Most likely about the races of different people and their suspectibily of developing a cancer.

    Catherine, Period 1

    this is a newspaper articl that tells about the cost, the looks, and the efficiancy of the new hydrogen cars. It talks about a honda fcx clarity. It also talks about the size, weight of the new cars.
    This newspaper article talks abbouuut the futeure of hydrogen cars. How to fill them up, and a little bit of how they work. It also talks a little about polution. It talks about how many car companies are looking into the hydrogen cars, and are possibly the cars of the future.
    This website talks abut how hydrogen cars can really help us in the future. It tells how it has zero emissions, and it can lessen the demand of fossil fuels. It also alks abou t the hydrogen highway and how george bush has put 2 billion dollars into it.
    this website talks about how hydrpogen cars work. How it takes in moisture from the air and splitz the atoms to get the hydrogen. It also talks about an alreAdy made hydrogen car, shelby cobra, and how it hits 60 in under 4 seconds.

    JAke Cudgma, Period 1

  15. Part III

    This website has many links leading from the homepage that gives information about terms, definitions, causes, health concerns, facts and stats, prevention, and a lot of other useful information.
    This webpage is published by the National Institute of Mental Health and gives the definition of anorexia and bulimia and has a lot of good information. It gives treatment information and symptoms and signs of the disease. It also tells some long-term effects of people with these two disorders.
    This website provides a lot of information about eating disorders. It tells what they are, how they are diagnosed and treated, the medical problems that can be caused as a result or an eating disorder, and many more.
    This is a link to a CNN article online that talks about eating disorders. The article includes a definition, symptoms, causes, risk factors, and more.

    Danielle p1

  16. Stem Cell Research
    This site provides an excellent source of information on Stem Cells. It contains information of what stem cells actually are and their properties that make them unique. This source also goes over the different types of stem cells and how stem cells reproduce or transform.
    This site has an excellent video of how stem cells work and what the procedure is to get these stem cells. It also shows the different types of stem cells and what their abilities are. I also like this website because it shows you how the stem cells are extracted and used.
    This site has all information on Stem Cells. It includes what people think about stem cells and professional opinion. It also has the basic information on stem cells.
    This website has a lot of good information. This website has information about stem cell research today and what is expected in the future. It also includes the goal of Stem cell research. This site also as the basic information on Stem Cells as well.
    Taylor Period 1

  17. I found a lot of good websites on sleepwalking. But these four are my favorite:
    This website tells you about what it is, symptoms, what can cause it, who it affects, how it can be dangerous, what percentage of people sleepwalk, prevention and treatment.
    Defition, causes, symptoms, tests, treatment, outlook, possible complications. It also talks about when to see a doctor, and prevention.
    This website has a lot of good information. It talks about what sleepwalking is, causes of sleepwalking, some symptoms, prevention and what else can be done to help. I know this website is a very reliable website to get information from.
    This website talks about the definition of sleepwalking, symptoms, how serious it is, how common it is, facts, and what can be done about it.

    period 7

  18. Unfortunately, I had to change my last website because it was not of any help at all. This is the new one:


    New Cancer Gene Identified
    Oncogene Plays a Critical Role in Tumor Formation
    January 20, 2005
    The gene Zbtb7 seems to help scientists try and cure cancer. “The researchers found that when they "knocked out" the Zbtb7 gene in mice, that transformation was blocked and cells do not become cancerous.” This gene is mutated in human cancer and could possible be the cure of cancer.

    Catherine, Period 1

    This website talks about a book that was written and it was the first book about eternal life. It’s a question of whether the soul possesses the immortality. It was written by a man who wanted to be a hero and live forever.
    This website talks about Chinese Alchemists trying to find the elixir of life. They wanted to figure out different chemicals combined, like doing a chemical experiment, to find a combination that would be the elixir of life.
    CBS talks about how a 60 Minutes show had a scientist on it that said that it is possible that in the next 20 to 30 years we could be further in finding immortality. The doctor describes the causes of ageing.
    This website talks about how scientists have recent genetic and molecular biological discoveries that have dramatically extended the life of animals. One of the scientists, Dr. De Grey thinks there’s a 50 percent chance we can add 25 years to middle aged people. It talks about therapies that will help. Many other scientists are also helping to find it.

    Molly, period 7

    tells you whats happening
    talks about updating to vista
    talks about why people want to keep xp
    Microsoft explains why they are doing this
    talks about what Linux is
    talks about Mac OS
    talks about vista (advantages)
    talks about the disadvantages of vista

    Brendan Period 7

    This article seems to be very useful. It talks about preventing drinking of alcohol. It also gives statistics about drinking. It also talks about how the media over exaggerates drinking among teenagers. Over all this will be a good site to use because it isn’t trying to scare teens away from alcohol.

    -kelsey durato

  22. 1.

    This site is for the National Neuroscience institute. This is the homepage for patient information. It gives a thorough description of the growth patterns, treatments for, and types of, schwannoma tumors.


    This site is not speciffically akin to schwannoma ttumors, it covers broad topics. But, in its oncology section, there are many articles on specific schwannoma tumor of the frontal bone.


    This site is great because it gives you information on every single type of schwannoma, in every possible part of the body. It also gives you possible treatment options.


    Thsi site specifically is about Acoustic Neuromas, a type of schwannoma that grows on the balance (vestibular) nerve. It gives treatment for, and the signs and symptoms of these specific tumors.

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